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Google Chromeの起動オプション一覧

Google Chromeの起動オプション(コマンドラインオプション)の一覧。ソースコードのbase/base_switches.cc, chrome/common/chrome_switches.ccから。すべてを確認したわけではないので使用は自己責任で。

例えば、ユーザデータファイルを保存するディレクトリを"C:\users\chrome"にしてJavaScriptをオフにする場合は、Google Chromeのショートカットのリンク先を以下のようにして起動する。

"C:\Documents and Settings\ユーザ名\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir=C:\users\chrome --disable-javascript

--debug-on-start If the program includes chrome/common/debug_on_start.h, the process will start the JIT system-registered debugger on itself and will wait for 60 seconds for the debugger to attach to itself. Then a break point will be hit.
--wait-for-debugger Will wait for 60 seconds for a debugger to come to attach to the process.
--noerrdialogs Suppresses all error dialogs when present.
--disable-breakpad Disables the crash reporting.
--full-memory-crash-report Generates full memory crash dump.
--type The value of this switch determines whether the process is started as a renderer or plugin host. If it's empty, it's the browser.
--enable-dcheck Enable DCHECKs in release mode.
--disable-hang-monitor Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes.
--disable-metrics Completely disables UMA metrics system.
--disable-metrics-reporting Disables only the sending of metrics reports. In contrast to kDisableMetrics, this executes all the code that a normal client would use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent to the server.
This is useful for finding issues in the metrics code during UI and performance tests.
--assert-test Causes the browser process to throw an assertion on startup.
--renderer-assert-test Causes the renderer process to throw an assertion on launch.
--crash-test Causes the browser process to crash on startup.
--renderer-crash-test Causes the renderer process to crash on launch.
--renderer-startup-dialog Causes the renderer process to display a dialog on launch.
--plugin-startup-dialog Causes the plugin process to display a dialog on launch.
--testshell-startup-dialog Causes the test shell process to display a dialog on launch.
--plugin-launcher Specifies a command that should be used to launch the plugin process. Useful for running the plugin process through purify or quantify.
Ex: --plugin-launcher="path\to\purify /Run=yes"
--channel The value of this switch tells the child process which IPC channel the browser expects to use to communicate with it.
--testing-channel The value of this switch tells the app to listen for and broadcast testing-related messages on IPC channel with the given ID.
--homepage The value of this switch specifies which page will be displayed in newly-opened tabs. We need this for testing purposes so that the UI tests don't depend on what comes up for http://google.com.
--start-renderers-manually When this switch is present, the browser will throw up a dialog box asking the user to start a renderer process independently rather than launching the renderer itself. (This is useful for debugging.)
--renderer Causes the process to run as renderer instead of as browser.
--renderer-path Path to the exe to run for the renderer subprocess
--plugin Causes the process to run as plugin host
--single-process Runs the renderer and plugins in the same process as the browser
--process-per-tab Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own renderer process. We default to using a renderer process for each site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with script connections to each other).
--process-per-site Runs a single process for each site (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain) the user visits. We default to using a renderer process for each site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with script connections to each other).
--in-process-plugins Runs plugins inside the renderer process
--no-sandbox Runs the renderer outside the sandbox.
--safe-plugins Runs the plugin processes inside the sandbox.
--trusted-plugins Excludes these plugins from the plugin sandbox.
This is a comma separated list of plugin dlls name and activex clsid.
--test-sandbox Runs the security test for the sandbox.
--user-data-dir Specifies the user data directory, which is where the browser will look for all of its state.
--app Specifies that the associated value should be launched in "application" mode.
--upload-file Specifies the file that should be uploaded to the provided application. This switch is expected to be used with --app option.
--dom-automation Specifies if the dom_automation_controller_ needs to be bound in the renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when automating dom based tests.
--plugin-path Tells the plugin process the path of the plugin to load
--js-flags Specifies the flags passed to JS engine
--geoid The GeoID we should use. This is normally obtained from the operating system during first run and cached in the preferences afterwards. This is a numeric value; see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776390.aspx .
--lang The language file that we want to try to open. Of the form language[-country] where language is the 2 letter code from ISO-639.
--debug-children Will add kDebugOnStart to every child processes. If a value is passed, it will be used as a filter to determine if the child process should have the kDebugOnStart flag passed on or not.
--wait-for-debugger-children Will add kWaitForDebugger to every child processes. If a value is passed, it will be used as a filter to determine if the child process should have the kWaitForDebugger flag passed on or not.
--log-filter-prefix Will filter log messages to show only the messages that are prefixed with the specified value
--enable-logging Force logging to be enabled. Logging is disabled by default in release builds.
--disable-logging Force logging to be disabled. Logging is enabled by default in debug builds.
--log-level Sets the minimum log level. Valid values are from 0 to 3: INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, LOG_ERROR = 2, LOG_FATAL = 3.
--dump-histograms-on-exit Dump any accumualted histograms to the log when browser terminates (requires logging to be enabled to really do anything). Used by developers and test scripts.
--remote-shell-port enable remote debug / automation shell on the specified port
--uninstall Runs un-installation steps that were done by chrome first-run.
--omnibox-popup-count Number of entries to show in the omnibox popup.
--automation-channel The value of this switch tells the app to listen for and broadcast automation-related messages on IPC channel with the given ID.
--restore-last-session Indicates the last session should be restored on startup. This overrides the preferences value and is primarily intended for testing.
Chrome supports a playback and record mode. Record mode saves *everything* to the cache. Playback mode reads data exclusively from the cache. This allows us to record a session into the cache and then replay it at will.
--no-events Don't record/playback events when using record & playback.
Make Windows happy by allowing it to show "Enable access to this program" checkbox in Add/Remove Programs->Set Program Access and Defaults. This only shows an error box because the only way to hide Chrome is by uninstalling it.
--make-default-browser Make Chrome default browser
--proxy-server Use a specified proxy server, overrides system settings. This switch only affects HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Chrome will support prefetching of DNS information. Until this becomes the default, we'll provide a command line switch.
--debug-print Enables support to debug printing subsystem.
--allow-all-activex Allow initialization of all activex controls. This is only to help website developers test their controls to see if they are compatible in Chrome.
Note there's a duplicate value in activex_shared.cc (to avoid dependency on chrome module). Please change both locations at the same time.
--disable-dev-tools Browser flag to disable the web inspector for all renderers. const wchar_t kAlwaysEnableDevTools[]
--always-enable-dev-tools Enable web inspector for all windows, even if they're part of the browser. Allows us to use our dev tools to debug browser windows itself.
--tab-count-to-load-on-session-restore Used to set the value of SessionRestore::num_tabs_to_load_. See session_restore.h for details.
--memory-profile Enable dynamic loading of the Memory Profiler DLL, which will trace all memory allocations during the run.
--memory-model Configure Chrome's memory model.
Does chrome really need multiple memory models? No. But we get a lot of concerns from individuals about how the changes work on *their* system, and we need to be able to experiment with a few choices.
--enable-file-cookies By default, cookies are not allowed on file://. They are needed in for testing, for example page cycler and layout tests. See bug 1157243.
--start-maximized Start the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings.
TODO(pjohnson): Remove this once bug 1137420 is fixed. We are using this as a workaround for not being able to use moveTo and resizeTo on a top-level window.
--enable-watchdog Spawn threads to watch for excessive delays in specified message loops. User should set breakpoints on Alarm() to examine problematic thread.
Usage: -enable-watchdog=[ui][io]
Order of the listed sub-arguments does not matter.
--first-run Display the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of whether or not it's actually the first run.
--message-loop-histogrammer Enable histograming of tasks served by MessageLoop. See about:histograms/Loop for results, which show frequency of messages on each thread, including APC count, object signalling count, etc.
--import Perform importing from another browser. The value associated with this setting encodes the target browser and what items to import.
--silent-dump-on-dcheck Change the DCHECKS to dump memory and continue instead of crashing. This is valid only in Release mode when --enable-dcheck is specified.
--disable-prompt-on-repost Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of a post we prompt to make sure they want to. This switch may be used to disable that check. This switch is used during automated testing.
--disable-popup-blocking Disable pop-up blocking.
--disable-javascript Don't execute JavaScript (browser JS like the new tab page still runs).
--disable-java Prevent Java from running.
--disable-plugins Prevent plugins from running.
--disable-images Prevent images from loading.
--use-lf-heap Use the low fragmentation heap for the CRT.
--gears-in-renderer Switch to load Gears in the renderer process.
--new-http Enable new HTTP stack.
Allow loading of the javascript debugger UI from the filesystem.
--gears-plugin-path Debug only switch to specify which gears plugin dll to load.
